(630) 365-4639
About Us
Ultimate Sump Pump System
NexPump is the creator and leader of the latest technology in the sump pump industry. The NexPump Series has been tested and proven effective in extreme conditions when needed most and leaves its customers with the assurance and peace of mind that their homes will be protected. NexPump, Inc. is certain that you will be pleased with the outstanding quality, reliability and performance of our products.
The Story
NexPump, Inc. originated when its founder was refinishing his basement. While completing his project, he knew he was going to need a backup sump pump system to protect his basement from flooding. As he searched the marketplace for a quality sump pump system, he found no high capacity, comprehensive or Artificial intelligent systems. Having an electronics and computer engineering background, he put together a prototype pump and continued to improve it as time passed. In the years to come, he added many "must have" features, exclusive to NexPump, and in 2003 finished the production model and decided to put it to the test. The testing sites included real households with the NexPump installed as their primary pump. As the NexPump continued to work flawlessly for years in many homes, NexPump, Inc. was born.


Development of the NexPump sump pump system started
First NexPump sold
Notification first developed allowing customers to receive E-Mail and call alerts.
Pump Stats available through email alerts (pump hours, power up time, self-tests, etc.)
Development of Internet and Wireless System begins
New Product line released: Ai Extreme Series with Internet/Wireless capability allowing customers access to pump status, stats, etc. from their phone/computer.
NexPump for Plumbers
Nexpump reassures the plumber that the product they are installing actually works. After installing, you register your pump and enter your notification numbers. Contractors like the fact that they can enter their name and numbers and be notified of important issues. No longer worry about your customer calling you back saying their basement flooded after you just installed a sump pump. The NexPump alerts you with any issues making it the most reliable pump on the market!
NexPump for Homeowners
With NexPump no longer worry about your basement flooding. The NexPump is constantly working to keep your house safe. Self-Testing (tests pumps, battery, phone line, etc.), Notification (phone and email) and Artificial Intelligence are operating 24/7 to help protect your investment. Whether vacationing or in the living room, homeowners will have real peace of mind with the NexPump.
By the Numbers
Over 3,000,000 - Pump Hours Tracked
Over 50,000,000 - Self-Tests Performed
Over 25,000 - Notifications Sent
Over 600,000,000 - Power Up Hours
Nexpump, Inc.
820 Stover Drive Suite B
Elburn, IL 60119
Phone: 630-365-4NEX (4639)
Fax: 630-365-6919
About Us
Why NexPump
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Ai Notification System
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